The portable radios are designed to operate in analog and digital radio communication networks as portable user means of communication.
DMR communication equipment
The mobile radio is designed to operate in analog and digital radio communication networks as a mobile means of communication.
The products are designed to operate in analog and digital radio communication networks as base radios/ repeaters.
The operator consoles support work of digital and analog radio communication network operators, ensure voice communications and display network processes.
Mobile coverage solutions
Outdoor Distributed Antenna System RADIUS is intended to provide GSM-R, LTE, UMTS, and GSM coverage along railways, roads and rural areas.
Railway radio systems
The universal double-band fixed/locomotive radio is designed for operation within trains (PRS), hot repair (RORS-L) and station (SRS) communication networks on railway transport as a locomotive or fixed HF/VHF radio.
Fixed simplex radio RS-46MC is designed for operation in radio communication networks of trains, maintenance crews hot communication networks and station MF and VHF bands communication networks.
Linear fixed dual-band simplex radio for train and maintenance railway MF / VHF radio networks.
The products are designed to operate in analog and digital radio communication networks on railway transport as fixed and base radios, as well as DMR-standard base radios/ repeaters.
Control and monitoring of MF / VHF analogue and digital train and maintenance railway radio networks
The radio “MOST” (radio modem) is designed for digital data exchange over a radio channel in a simplex and (or) half-duplex mode.